About the Show

The online show launched on the 29th of September 2023 and will run until the 31st of December 2023 on our website www.greatsheffieldartshow.co.uk. All of the artwork displayed online is available to browse and purchase, except for the Young Artist’s.

When A Picture Sells

When a piece is sold we will contact you promptly. You will then deliver the artwork to our offices at Enormous Art Ltd. 95 Brookhouse Hill, Fulwood, Sheffield, S10 3TE.

We will then either contact the buyer to notify them that the work is available for collection from our offices OR the artwork will be shipped from our offices to the buyer’s address, if they have purchased this option.

We ask that you please be prompt in delivering pictures to us, as we are aiming for turnaround and delivery within one week.

Payment Information

When your picture sells, a commission will be deducted. We will make payments to you of the sale price minus the commission, once the piece has been successfully delivered to the buyer by us. If you provide your bank details, we can pay this directly in to a bank account, otherwise a cheque will be sent.